outdoor view

Expert Advice

RVing: Come Back Fitter

Hello from The Fit RV Headquarters! James and I just got home from a whirlwind RV trip in the fantastic state of Arizona.

The trip went off without a hitch, I’m happy to report. We finally got to bust out our bikes OUTSIDE! It’s been a long snowy winter in Utah, which meant the only biking we were getting was on the spin bike in our basement. Not nearly as fun as the real thing. So, the warm Arizona sun was a welcomed break. It felt great to temporarily shed my parka and pull on a pair of shorts.

But don’t get me wrong, we love snow and all its opportunities for playing in it. In fact, we do tons of winter-themed RV trips, too.

That’s the beauty of having an RV. It becomes this catalyst for anything we’d like to go DO. In fact, in this one RV trip to Arizona we were able to get so much biking in, we’re both now in better biking shape than when we left!

outdoor view
woman on bike
couple skiing
riding on the road

That’s pretty amazing if you think about it. Because let’s face it, vacations tend to be synonymous with indulgence, not with getting fitter. It’s way too easy to let our established healthy habits slide on vacations. But it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s all about finding the right vacation mindset. Here’s how we do it:

How to Come Home Fitter From Your Next RV Trip:

  1. Fill Your Days with Physical Activities

    This one starts in the trip-planning phase. First, we identify what activities we’d like to DO and are fun for us. Then, we choose the destination around those activities. So, if we feel like hiking in the mountains, we pick the mountains we’d like to tackle, and then we research places to set up camp in the vicinity. When we’re in the mood to try something new, we’ll make a destination out of taking some lessons; like our RV trip to Utah Lake State Park where we learned to sail. And hey, there’s a surprising amount of physical activity in sailing! The key here is to let your activities dictate where you go. That way, you’re already set up to get loads of physical activity into your days.
  2. Pack Fitness Gear

    As a fitness pro, I KNOW you can get a great workout with no fitness gear at all. In fact, I’ve put together entire workouts over on The Fit RV website that require no equipment whatsoever! But taking the time to pack fitness gear does something psychologically to our motivation levels. It’s along the same lines as that advice you’ve all heard: If you dress in the morning for physical activity, you’re more likely to DO some physical activity. Knowing you’ve got a set of resistance bands or a yoga mat stashed in your RV keeps the idea of getting some exercise in the forefront of your mind. If you’re thinking about it, you’re more likely to do it. Besides, finding a perfect tree for those TRX straps just might end up being the highlight of your day.
  3. Eat Delicious but Healthy Food

    Just because we’re on a vacation, we don’t allow ourselves to take a vacation from healthy eating. Starting with stocking the rig with groceries; if there’s no junk in the RV, we can’t eat junk! We also try to use the RV kitchen as much as possible instead of going out to eat. One of our favorite parts of eating on the road is buying local fare. There’s something special about stopping at a farmer’s stand and eating fresh foods you know you’re only getting because you’re right there at that moment. With a little creativity and planning, eating healthy and fresh on RV trips doesn’t have to feel like punishment! I’ve even got a few of my favorite road-trip recipes right here in the GoRVing recipe section…here’s one of my faves:
woman on a boat
woman doing yoga
man and woman hiking

As many RV trips as we take a year, these 3 things have had to become non-negotiable for us. If not, with each trip we’d be falling further and further behind in our fitness.  And you know what? I don’t feel like keeping our trips fit-focused has meant we’ve sacrificed anything. On the contrary, it’s even been the very opposite. Our physical activities enhance each trip with more adventures and life-enriching experiences we might otherwise have missed out on.

Plus, it’s an incredibly satisfying feeling having my pants still fit once we’re back home!!!

two people in workout gear

The Fit RV

Stef’s truths about RVing: 1) You aren’t too young for it, 2) Just like a house, you’ll ALWAYS be thinking up projects to improve your RV, and 3) It’s really hard to stay fit on the road. With these in mind, Stefany Adinaro, along with her husband James, created The Fit RV, an informative site for RVers where you can get fit, get inspired, be entertained, & find (sometimes) useful RV tips!