Gus' Story

Cycling For A Cure

Silver medal Olympian for freestyle skiing, Gus Kenworthy, participates in the 545-mile bike rid from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise awareness and funding for HIV/AIDS treatment and research.

I came out... on the cover of ESPN in the hopes that it would help someone else in the same position.
Gus Kenworthy | Freestyle skier
Gus Kenworthy

Freestyle skier

Gus Kenworthy

Gus Kenworthy is a freestyle skier and silver medal olympian. In October 2015, in an interview with ESPN, he became the first action-sports star to come out publicly as gay. He later said that chose ESPN because "I wanted to do it in my words and once and for all – and hopefully help kids that are in the same position I was.



The best way to camp on a 545 mile cycling journey
The best way to camp on a 545 mile cycling journey
The best way to camp on a 545 mile cycling journey
The best way to camp on a 545 mile cycling journey
The best way to camp on a 545 mile cycling journey
The best way to camp on a 545 mile cycling journey
Class C Motorhome
Class C Motorhome Cockpit and Bunk

Cockpit and Bunk

Class Cs use the cabin space above the cockpit as a loft bed.

Class C Motorhome Private Bedroom

Private bedroom

Class Cs are large enough to include a separate bedroom with a king or queen size bed, closet space, and additional storage.

class c bathroom

Full Bathroom

This type of RV is equipped with a full size dry bath with a toilet, sink, and shower or bath.

Class C Motorhome Living Area

Living area

The living area can be made larger with slide-outs for a roomy living, dining and kitchen area.


Class C Motorhomes

Built on an automotive van frame with a wider body section attached to the original cab, class C motorhomes are easily recognizable by the over-the-cab portion that is often an optional sleeping area.

  • Sleeps up to 8 people
  • Can tow another vehicle for side trips
  • Loft for extra sleeping space
  • Full-sized kitchen and bathroom
  • Storage