Meow there, fellow adventurers! I'm Fisher, and my partner-in-crime is my brother Sailor. We’re two cool cats that love a road trip and have pawsome adventures across the United States with our pawrents in our trusty Salem Platinum 167RVK, Scratch Pad. The freedom of adventuring on the road is the best, the possibilities are endless. Our pawrents meticulously plan our trips, but there is always time for spontaneous stops, roadside attractions, and taking time to have the wind tousle our fur as we find new and exciting places. Join us as we whisker you away on an unforgettable adventure, and along the way, we'll also share some helpful tips on traveling.
Scratch Pad is our cozy home away from home on wheels while we journey state to state. Our first adventures were in Cruise America RVs and the travel bug bit us right away. It is amazing to have everything you need no matter where you go. Our pawrents think of everything, we have snuggle spots, scratch posts, toys, treats, our own dining area, our water fountain, more treats, and our lavatory (some call it a litter box, we have one in the Scratch Pad, one in the car, and sometimes nature calls when we’re hiking.)

Adventure Log
Hitting the Road with Fisher the Maine Coon
Fisher the Maine Coon, his younger brother Sailor, and his pawrents, Finn and Lorraine, are avid travel and RV enthusiasts. Follow them on their adventures across the United States!

Travel is our game! We get the opportunity to meet fellow adventurers, both human and furry. We see other cats and dogs, squirrels, birds, groundhogs, and lots of bugs. We have set our paws down at the Rocky Mountains, White Sands, Acadia, Arches, Yellowstone, and Canyonlands, just to name a few. We help our pawrents pick the best pet-friendly campgrounds to explore. Sailor and I can’t believe how many places we’ve been and how many people get excited when they see us. At first, we’re mistaken for dogs, but once they see our tufted ears and superior whiskers, they know. Rumor has it that dogs cornered the market on travel and hiking but we’re breaking that myth. Every day is a new adventure with our pawrents, who make unforgettable memories with us.
Our journeys are a purrfect mix of relaxation and exploration. After our parents set up shop at the campground, we settle down for a cozy night. Sailor and I love a campfire while we star gaze, find the perfect spot to curl up and watch the night sky unfold, and listen to the sounds of bugs starting their day. Once rested, we wake up, get harnessed, and start walking. When we’re tired, or just want to chill, our pawrents put us in our backpacks so we have a new perspective and can rest while they do the hard work. When we’re not hiking, we’re exploring with our pawrents and strolling to see the sights and sounds of new places.

As our paws touch the ground in many states, my favorite part of traveling is the journey itself. The world is pretty awesome-- there is excitement, spontaneity, new terrains, and a never-ending curiosity. I’m grateful that my brother and I get to travel, hike, and camp with our pawrents. We help our pawrents plan our journeys so we have everything needed to be the best road warriors. Our advice for fellow trail blazers is to pack the essentials, prioritize safety, embrace the unknown, enjoy the connections you make with fellow wanderers, carve lots of time out to play, and have a meowvelous time. Happy tails and trails!