- Go outside--even if just on your front stoop--and sit there for 10 minutes to look and listen. So many of the things that are happening in nature are happening right in front of you, but you just haven’t necessarily stopped and given yourself the time to really notice them. And going outside is a great place to start. Immerse yourself in whatever nature you can make available to yourself.
- If you ever have access to binoculars, give them a try. You’ll be blown away. There’s so much out there that’s just out of sight.
- Go on a road trip. It doesn’t even have to be that far; you can just drive half an hour to a place you haven’t been before. Drive down to a river. Drive anywhere that you can give yourself the time and opportunity to settle into that spot and get to know it a bit.
- Generally, the rule for interacting with wildlife is to give them plenty of space. In the science world, we talk about giving them enough space. That’s enough space to not influence their behavior. Simply put, give them way more space than you think might be required. You want to let the animal be an animal, which will also enhance your viewing experience. You want to let the animal be in the wild, so you can just be the passive observer. You want to witness animals doing their thing without influencing them. That is the benchmark for appropriate interactions with nature and wildlife. It is also a safety issue both for you and the animals you’re observing.
- Learn how to care and protect the places you interact with, the places you visit. We are part of nature. And I think we, as a society, are realizing that. With this realization comes a responsibility. And a great place to start is by knowing that what happens in a forest a hundred miles away, a thousand miles away, even a hemisphere away, could affect you, your loved ones, and your backyard.

Charles' Story
Turning Your Passion Into a Career
Ecologist, Charles Post, takes his work on the road with his wife Rachel and their dog Kinute. Charles bridges his love of the outdoors with his love of science, and uses his social influence to educate and inform people about wildlife.

Charles' Wildlife Tips and Tricks

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