Time To Talk RVing In The Off-Season

Adventure Log

Time To Talk RVing In The Off-Season

It’s Fall! Time to talk RVing Off-Season and Off the Beaten Path.

If you have an RV, it’s pretty much a given you’re going to bust it out in the summer. After all, summer is synonymous with vacation time, don’t you agree?! The sun is shining, the roads are packed with RVs, and the campgrounds are buzzing with activity. Once the weather cools down though, many RVers tuck their rigs away for the winter. But here’s a little secret for all you fair-weather RVers… Off-season RVing can be the best time to hit the road!

Before you put away your rig for the winter, James and I hope you’ll join us as we host Go RVing’s upcoming Twitter party. We’re going to talk about the joys of off-season RVing, and just as exciting, we’re going to talk about RVing off the beaten path. We love finding places so remote that we feel like we have the world all to ourselves. So, this is going to be an extra fun Twitter party for us and very much a topic we can speak to!

And Even Better…You Can Win Prizes!!!

There will be two prize packs given out over the course of the hour. Each prize pack will include a $25 gift card AND some cool Go RVing swag…just for partying with us! (Prizing is open to U.S. residents only, sorry!)

“OK I’m In! But What is a Twitter Party?”

If you’ve never participated in a Twitter party before, it’s really simple. Imagine sitting around a campfire chatting with a group of friends, only it’s a cyber-campfire, so less pressure!

You’ll log in to your Twitter account at the designated party time. Make sure you’ve already “followed” our Twitter page @TheFitRV as well as @GoRVing. We’ll be tweeting open-ended questions throughout the hour that always begin with “Q1, Q2, Q3… etc.”, and you respond with your own thoughts and suggestions by starting your tweet with “A1, A2, A3…etc.” Plus, you’ll always include the hashtag #GoRVing in your post…that’s super important since it’s the only way we can see your responses.

So let’s try an example. Let’s say you see a tweet come in from me that says this:

The Fit RV @TheFitRV   .2s

Q1 If you could take a road trip anywhere in North America where would you go and what would you do? #GoRVing”

You would respond by starting your own tweet; no need to hit reply, and answer like this:

“A1 I would go visit my sister who lives cross-country and I haven’t seen in years! We’d go kayaking! #GoRVing”

Along those lines. Two key things to notice: first, how you’ll start your tweet with A1, so we know your answer goes with my Q1. I’ll be posting around 10 different Q’s throughout the hour, so adding the A1 is important. The other key to successful partying is including the hashtag. Our hashtag for this party is #GoRVing. All party posts will always include this hashtag. That way, you can easily search the hashtag up in the Twitter search bar (then choose the “Latest” tab) and you’ll be able to see everyone’s responses, not just the hosts’. And don’t be shy about replying to other partiers! You don’t have to talk to only your hosts, feel free to chat and reply to anyone in the party!

The two prize packs are awarded at random, but here’s a key tip: Consider each of your “A1, A2, etc” tweets as well as your replies to other partiers as an entry for the prizes. So the more you interact, the better your chances of winning a prize!

“Sounds Great! How Do I Join?”

To participate and be eligible for prizes, just follow these steps:

  1. Follow The Fit RV and Go RVing on Twitter.
  2. RSVP in the comments below by entering your Twitter handle.
  3. Show up for the party on Thursday, October 19 at 9pm EST, which will be hosted on @TheFitRV homepage. Remember to “refresh” frequently during the party so you won’t miss any of the “Q”s!
  4. Respond to our topics by starting your own tweet with “A1, A2, etc” (and also reply to other partiers’ responses) always making sure to use the #GoRVing hashtag in each tweet or reply.
  5. Pay attention to our announcements of winners throughout the hour! If your name comes up, we’ll have you message the Prize Patrol to arrange to collect your prizes.

It’s as easy as that. Can’t wait to chat with you all at the party! See you there!

two people in workout gear

The Fit RV

Stef’s truths about RVing: 1) You aren’t too young for it, 2) Just like a house, you’ll ALWAYS be thinking up projects to improve your RV, and 3) It’s really hard to stay fit on the road. With these in mind, Stefany Adinaro, along with her husband James, created The Fit RV, an informative site for RVers where you can get fit, get inspired, be entertained, & find (sometimes) useful RV tips!